/* Klasa Storage - sluzy do trzymania roznych rzeczy w pamieci Obsluga: J2CS_Storage.set(name, value) - ustawia wartosc J2CS_Storage.get(name) - zwraca wartosc lub false jesli nie ma takiej wartosci */ var J2CS_Storage = new function() { this.storage = []; this.set = function(name, value) { this.storage[name] = value; } this.get = function(name) { if(this.storage[name] != undefined) { return this.storage[name]; } else { return false; } } } /* Klasa Request - odpowiada ogolnie za polaczenia ajaxowe. Tutaj sa zdefiniowane akcje do wykonania. Zadanie nalezy obslugiwac nastepujaco: var retval = J2CS_Request.get(options); lub var retval = J2CS_Request.post(options); Struktura options: options = { name: "nazwa_akcji", pozostale: "dane", ktore: "wysylane", sa: "getem lub postem" } Struktura zwracanych danych (czyli to, co musi byc zwrocone przez PHP, sformatowane do Jsona): data = { name: "nazwa_akcji", dane: "z phpa", ktore: "trzeba odczytac" } Lista akcji, co powinno byc w options i co powinno byc w zwrotnym data: - get: - { name: "init" } -> { name: "init", app: i, access_id: i, instructions_on: 0/1, first_section: i, first_subject: i, fault: 0/1, old_link_active: 0/1 } - { name: "instructions", index: 1/2/3 } -> { name: "instructions", header: "naglowek", content: "html do wyswietlenia" } - { name: "get_gwo_trials" } -> { name: "get_gwo_trials", data: { id1: name1, id2: name2, ... } } - { name: "get_saved_trials" } -> { name: "get_saved_trials", data: {id1: {name: name1, date: date1}, id2: {name: name2, date: date2} } } /// pobierz liste klasowek apisanych (posortowane po id DESC) - { name: "load_library", index: i } -> {name: "load_library, data: {id1: name1, id2: name2, ...}} - { name: "load_gwo_trial", index: i } -> {name: "load_gwo_trial", data: {id1: name1, id2: name2, ...}} - { name: "load_saved_trial", index: i } -> {name: "load_gwo_trial", data: {id1: name1, id2: name2, ...}} // pobierz liste zadan do klasowki o id i - { name: "saved_trial_delete", id: i } -> {name: "saved_trial_delete", status: 0/1} - { name: "clones_for_exercise", index: i } -> { name: "clones_for_exercise", data: {id1: url1, id2, url2, ... }} - { name: "load_sections" } -> { name: "load_sections", data: {id1: name1, id2: name2, ...}} - { name: "load_subjects", section: i } -> { name: "load_subjects", data: {id1: name1, id2: name2, ...}} - post: */ var J2CS_Request = new function() { this.get = function(options) { if(options.name == undefined) { alert("J2CS_Request: name not specified"); return; } var type = "GET", get_ = undefined; if(options.name == "send_trial") { options.data = {}; for(s in J2CS_Trial.sort_orders_) { if(!J2CS_Trial.sort_orders_.hasOwnProperty(s)) continue; var i = J2CS_Trial.sort_orders_[s]; var ex = J2CS_Trial.exercises_[i]; if(!ex) continue; var entry = { exercise_id: ex.id, subject_id: ex.subject_id, height: ex.height, sort_order: s } options.data[s] = entry; } get_ = '?name=send_trial&data=post';type='POST'; //type = "POST"; } var s = this.request(type, options, get_); return s; } this.post = function(options) { if(options.name == undefined) { alert("J2CS_Request: name not specified"); return; } var s = this.request("POST", options); return s; } this.request = function(method_, data_, get_) { get_ = get_ || ''; $.ajax("/application/command" + get_, { type: method_, data: data_ , success: this.callback, async: false, dataType: "json" }, "json"); } this.callback = function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if(data.name == "init") { if(data.fault != 1) { J2CS_Storage.set("access", data); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_header_type", 1); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_format_type", 1); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_name", "Twój temat klasówki"); J2CS_Storage.set("user_name", data.user_name); J2CS_Storage.set("old_link_active", data.old_link_active); } else { alert("Nic nie działa. Nie da się pracować."); } } if(data.name == "instructions") { J2CS_Builder.set_instructions(data); } if(data.name == "content") { } if(data.name == "get_gwo_trials") { J2CS_Builder.set_gwo_trials(data.data); } if(data.name == "get_saved_trials") { J2CS_Builder.set_saved_trials(data.data); } if(data.name == "load_library") { //if(advLogger) $.post('/catchNotice.php', {data:data}); if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:'request.load_library',data:data}); J2CS_Builder.load_library(data.data); } if(data.name == "load_gwo_trial") { J2CS_Storage.set("trial_name", data.title); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_format_type", data.type); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_header_type", data.header); J2CS_Storage.set("group_count", data.groups); //J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_trial_options", data: { header: data.header, format: data.type }}); J2CS_Builder.load_trial(data.data); if(data.section != 0 && data.section != 0){ J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_subjects", section: data.section}); $("#library_selectors .section_selector").val(data.section); $("#library_selectors .subject_selector").val(data.subject); J2CS_Storage.set("current_section",data.section); J2CS_Storage.set("current_subject",data.subject); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_library", index: data.subject}); } } if(data.name == "load_saved_trial") { J2CS_Storage.set("trial_name", data.title); J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_trial_name", value: data.title}); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_format_type", data.type); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_header_type", data.header); J2CS_Storage.set("group_count", data.groups); J2CS_Storage.set("show_difficulty", data.show_difficulty); if(data.changed == '1'){ J2CS_Scripter.showChangedTrialNotification(data.id); } J2CS_Builder.load_trial(data.data); } if(data.name == "clones_for_exercise") { var s = []; var exid = 0; for(var i in data.data) { if(!data.data.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var d = data.data[i]; var cl = new J2CS_Clone(); cl.construct(i, d.exercise_id, d.url); s[s.length] = i; exid = d.exercise_id; J2CS_Storage.set("Clone_"+i, cl); } J2CS_Storage.set("ClonesFor_"+exid, s); } if(data.name == "load_sections") { //if(advLogger) $.post('/catchNotice.php', {data:data}); if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:'request.load_sections',data:data}); var ob = $("#library_selectors .section_selector"); ob.children().remove(); var d = data.data; var c = false; for(i in d) { if(!d.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if(!c) { J2CS_Storage.set("current_section",d[i].id); c = true; } var el = $(""); el.attr("value",d[i].id); el.html(d[i].name); ob.append(el); } } if(data.name == "load_subjects") { //if(advLogger) $.post('/catchNotice.php', {data:data}); if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:'request.load_subjects',data:data}); var ob = $("#library_selectors .subject_selector"); ob.children().remove(); var d = data.data; var c = false; for(i in d) { if(!d.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if(!c) { J2CS_Storage.set("current_subject", d[i].id); c = true; } var el = $(""); el.attr("value",d[i].id); el.html(d[i].name); ob.append(el); } } if(data.name == "get_group_count") { J2CS_Storage.set("group_count",data.value); } if(data.name == "get_show_difficulty") { J2CS_Storage.set("show_difficulty",data.value); } if(data.name == "send_trial") { J2CS_Storage.set("trial_clones", data.data); } if(data.name == "get_trial_name") { J2CS_Storage.set("trial_name", data.value); } if(data.name == "get_trial_header_type") { J2CS_Storage.set("trial_header_type", data.value); } if(data.name == "get_trial_format_type") { J2CS_Storage.set("trial_format_type", data.value); } if(data.name == 'get_trial_subjects'){ J2CS_Storage.set('trial_subjects',data.data); } } } J2CS_Clone = function() { this.id = 0; this.exercise_id = 0; this.url = ""; this.construct = function(id, exercise_id, url) { this.id = id; this.exercise_id = exercise_id; this.url = url; // exers/_section_id_/_subject_id_/_exercise_id_/_clone.png } } J2CS_Exercise = function() { this.id = 0; this.subject_id = 0; this.subject = ""; this.difficulty = 0; this.time_needed = 0; this.additional = 0; this.height = 0; this.count = 0; this.info = ""; this.url = ""; this.construct = function(id, subject_id, subject, difficulty, time_needed, additional, url, height, count, info) { this.id = id; this.subject_id = subject_id; this.subject = subject; this.difficulty = difficulty; this.time_needed = time_needed; this.additional = additional; this.url = url; this.height = height; this.count = count; this.info = info; J2CS_Storage.set("Exercise_"+id, this); } this.html = function(){ var additional = ''; if(this.additional == 1){ additional = '
'; } var html = '
'; html += '
'; html += '
' + additional + '
'; html += '
'; return html; } this.Clones = function() { // tablica klonow. jesli zapisana klasowka - wczytaj w zapisanej kolejnosci // zastosuj Storage jako Cache if(this.url == "strip") { var ret = []; return ret; } if(!J2CS_Storage.get("ClonesFor_"+this.id)) { J2CS_Request.get({name: "clones_for_exercise", index: this.id}); } var clones_ids = J2CS_Storage.get("ClonesFor_"+this.id); var clones = {}; for(var i in clones_ids) { var id = clones_ids[i]; clones[id] = J2CS_Storage.get("Clone_"+id); } return clones; } } var J2CS_Library = new function() { this.current_subject_id = parseInt(J2CS_Storage.get("current_subject_id")); this.exercises_ = {}; this.sort_orders_ = []; this.construct = function(data) { if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"library.construct",data:data}); this.reset(); for(var i in data) { if(data.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if(J2CS_Trial.getExercise(data[i].id) == false) { this.addExercise(data[i].id, data[i]); } } } if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"library.constructAfter",orders:this.sort_orders_}); this.makeBuild(); } this.makeBuild = function() { //if(advLogger) $.post('/catchError.php', {action:"build",list:this.exercises_,order:this.sort_orders_}); if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:'library.build',exercises:this.exercises_,order:this.sort_orders_}); var container = $("#library_ul"); container.children().each(function() { if(! $(this).hasClass("strip")){ $(this).remove(); } }); $("#library_container").scrollTop(0); for(i in this.sort_orders_) { if(!this.sort_orders_.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var ex = this.exercises_[this.sort_orders_[i]]; var li = $("
  • "); li.attr("relid", this.sort_orders_[i]); li.html(ex.html()); container.append(li); } if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:'library.buildAfter',exercises:this.exercises_,order:this.sort_orders_}); } this.addExercise = function(id, data) { var ex = new J2CS_Exercise(); ex.construct(id, data.subject_id, data.subject, data.difficulty, data.time_needed, data.additional, data.url, data.height, data.count, data.info); var stamper = 1; this.exercises_[id] = ex; var sort_orders = []; if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"library.addExercise",id:id,data:data,orders:this.sort_orders_}); var ordLength = this.sort_orders_.length; if(ordLength > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < ordLength; i++) { var exid = this.sort_orders_[i]; if(!exid) continue; if(stamper == 1 && this.exercises_[exid].difficulty == ex.difficulty && exid > id) { sort_orders.push(id); stamper = 0; } else if(stamper == 1 && this.exercises_[exid].difficulty > ex.difficulty) { sort_orders.push(id); stamper = 0; } //if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"library.addExercise",do:"addSort",id:exid}); sort_orders.push(exid); } } if(stamper == 1) { // kiedy jest to jedyne zadanie w library lub o najwi�kszym id if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"library.addExercise",do:"addSortLast",id:id}); sort_orders.push(id); } if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"library.addExerciseBMid",orders:this.sort_orders_}); this.sort_orders_ = sort_orders; if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"library.addExerciseMid",orders:this.sort_orders_}); J2CS_Trial.removeExercise(id); if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"library.addExerciseAfter",orders:this.sort_orders_}); } this.removeRebuild = function(id) { if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"library.removeRebuild",id:id}); if(this.removeExercise(id)) { this.makeBuild(); } } this.removeExercise = function(id) { if(this.exercises_[id] != undefined) { delete this.exercises_[id]; var sort_orders = []; var ordLength = this.sort_orders_.length; if(ordLength > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < ordLength; i++) { if(this.sort_orders_[i] != id) { sort_orders.push(this.sort_orders_[i]); } } } this.sort_orders_ = sort_orders; return true; } return false; } this.getExercise = function(index) { if(this.exercises_[index] != undefined) { return this.exercises_[index]; } return false; } this.reset = function() { if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:'library.reset'}); this.current_subject_id = parseInt(J2CS_Storage.get("current_subject_id")); this.exercises_ = {}; this.sort_orders_ = []; } } var J2CS_Trial = new function() { this.exercises_ = {}; this.sort_orders_ = []; this.construct = function(data) { this.reset(); if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"trial.construct",exercises:this.exercises_,orders:this.sort_orders_}); var a = 0; for(var i in data) { if(data.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this.addExercise(data[i].id, ++a, data[i]); } } if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"trial.constructAfter"}); this.makeBuild(); } this.addExercise = function(id, sort_order, data) { var ex = new J2CS_Exercise(); ex.construct(id, data.subject_id, data.subject, data.difficulty, data.time_needed, data.additional, data.url, data.height, data.count, data.info); this.exercises_[id] = ex; this.sort_orders_[sort_order] = id; J2CS_Library.removeExercise(id); } this.removeRebuild = function(id) { if(this.removeExercise(id)) { this.makeBuild(); } } this.removeExercise = function(id) { if(this.exercises_[id] != undefined) { delete this.exercises_[id]; for(var i in this.sort_orders_) { if(!this.sort_orders_.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if(this.sort_orders_[i] == id) { delete this.sort_orders_[i]; } } return true; } return false; } this.getExercise = function(index) { if(this.exercises_[index] != undefined && this.exercises_.hasOwnProperty(index)) { return this.exercises_[index]; } return false; } this.reset = function() { this.sort_orders_ = []; this.exercises_ = {}; } this.makeBuild = function() { var container = $("#trial_ul"); if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"trial.makeBuild",orders:this.sort_orders_}); container.children().each(function() { if(! $(this).hasClass("trialheader")){ $(this).remove(); } }); for(s in this.sort_orders_) { if(!this.sort_orders_.hasOwnProperty(s)) continue; var i = this.sort_orders_[s]; var ex = this.exercises_[i]; var li = $("
  • "); if(ex.url == "strip") { li.attr("relid", i); if(ex.subject_id == -1) { li.addClass("strip").addClass("blank"); } else { li.addClass("strip").addClass("check"); } if(container.hasClass("window_wide")) { li.css("height", (ex.height*2)+"px"); } else { li.css("height", (ex.height)+"px"); } li.html('
    '); } else { li.attr("relid", i); li.html(ex.html()); } container.append(li); } J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(); } this.updateSortOrders = function() { var container = $("#trial_ul"); this.sort_orders_ = []; var a = 1; container.children().each(function(i) { if(! $(this).hasClass("trialheader")) { J2CS_Trial.sort_orders_[i] = $(this).attr("relid"); } }); } } /* Klasa Builder - odpowiada za zbudowanie widokow kolejnych krokow Obsluga: J2CS_Builder.load_step(i) - zbuduj widok kroku i, a nastepnie odpal oskryptowanie widoku */ var J2CS_Builder = new function() { this.load_step = function(index) { J2CS_Request.get({name: "instructions", value: index}); if(!J2CS_Storage.get("hide_instructions_"+index)) { J2CS_Storage.set("hide_instructions_"+index, true); } var content = J2CS_Request.get({name: "content", value: index}); if(index == 1) { var construction_site = $("#first_step_construction").clone(); } if(index == 2) { var construction_site = $("#second_step_construction").clone(); var libopen = J2CS_Storage.get("step2_library_opened"); if(libopen) { construction_site.find("#trial_container").removeClass("window_wide").addClass("window_thin"); construction_site.find("#trial_ul").removeClass("window_wide").addClass("window_thin"); construction_site.find("#library_container").removeClass("window_thin").addClass("window_wide"); construction_site.find("#library_ul").removeClass("window_thin").addClass("window_wide"); } else { construction_site.find("#library_container").removeClass("window_wide").addClass("window_thin"); construction_site.find("#library_ul").removeClass("window_wide").addClass("window_thin"); construction_site.find("#trial_container").removeClass("window_thin").addClass("window_wide"); construction_site.find("#trial_ul").removeClass("window_thin").addClass("window_wide"); } } if(index == 3) { var construction_site = $("#third_step_construction").clone(); } $("#inner_container").html(construction_site.html()); J2CS_Scripter.init_step(index); } this.set_instructions = function(data) { if(data.header != undefined) { $("#instructions").find("#instructions_top_header").html(data.header); $("#instructions").find("#instructions_content").html(data.content); } } this.show_instructions = function(data) { this.show_overlay(); $("#instructions").show(); } this.show_welcome = function(){ this.show_overlay(); $("#welcome").show(); } this.hide_welcome = function(){ if($("#firefox-printing-info").is(":hidden")){ this.hide_overlay(); } $("#welcome").hide(); } this.show_firefox_printing_info = function(){ this.show_overlay(); $("#firefox-printing-info").show(); } this.hide_firefox_printing_info = function(){ this.hide_overlay(); $("#firefox-printing-info").hide(); } this.hide_instructions = function() { this.hide_overlay(); $("#instructions").hide(); } this.show_overlay = function() { $("#overlay").show(); } this.hide_overlay = function() { $("#overlay").hide(); } this.set_gwo_trials = function(list) { var container = $("#step1_tab1c ul"); container.children().remove(); for(var i in list) { var del = ''; if(container.attr('admin') == 'admin'){ del = 'usuń'; } var li = $("
  • "); li.attr("relid", list[i].id); li.html(del + ''+list[i].name+''); container.append(li); } } this.set_saved_trials = function(list) { var container = $("#step1_tab2c ul"); container.children().remove(); for(var i in list) { var li = $("
  • "); li.attr("relid", list[i].id); li.html('usuń'+ 'wczytaj'+ ''+list[i].date+' '+list[i].name+''); container.append(li); } } this.start_blank_creator = function() { J2CS_Scripter.reset_compositor(); this.load_step(2); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_sections"}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_subjects", section: J2CS_Storage.get("current_section")}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_library", index: J2CS_Storage.get("current_subject")}); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_name", "Klasówka"); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_header_type", 1); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_format_type", 1); J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_trial_name", value: "Klasówka"}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_trial_options", data: {header: 1, format: 1}}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_group_count", value: 2}); J2CS_Storage.set("group_count",2); J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_show_difficulty", value: 1}); J2CS_Storage.set("show_difficulty",1); J2CS_Scripter.start_engine(); } this.start_gwo_trial = function(id) { J2CS_Scripter.reset_compositor(); this.load_step(2); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_sections"}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_subjects", section: J2CS_Storage.get("current_section")}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_gwo_trial", index: id}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_library", index: J2CS_Storage.get("current_subject")}); J2CS_Scripter.start_engine(); } this.start_saved_trial = function(id) { J2CS_Scripter.reset_compositor(); this.load_step(2); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_sections"}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_subjects", section: J2CS_Storage.get("current_section")}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_saved_trial", index: id}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_library", index: J2CS_Storage.get("current_subject")}); J2CS_Scripter.start_engine(); } this.load_library = function(list) { if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"builder.loadLib"}); J2CS_Library.construct(list); if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"builder.loadLibAfter"}); } this.load_trial = function(list) { if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"builder.loadTrial",data:list}); J2CS_Trial.construct(list); if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"builder.loadTrialAfter"}); J2CS_Scripter.start_engine(); J2CS_Scripter.setTrialIcon(); } } /* Klasa Scripter - odpowiada za ciaglosc wykonania programu, ustawienie wszystkich przyciskow, uruchomienie skryptow w krokach i tak dalej Obsługa: J2CS_Scripter.init() - ustaw glowne przyciski J2CS_Scripter.init_step(i) - uruchom krok i */ var J2CS_Scripter = new function() { this.init = function() { this.reset_compositor(); if(advLogger) { var _navigator = {}; if(navigator) for (var i in navigator) _navigator[i] = navigator[i]; $.post('/catchNotice.php', {navigator:JSON.stringify(_navigator)}); } J2CS_Request.get({name: "init"}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "get_trial_name"}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "get_trial_header_type"}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "get_trial_format_type"}); if(J2CS_Storage.get('old_link_active') && ($.cookie('welcome_shown') != 1)){ J2CS_Builder.show_welcome(); } $("#instructions_top_close, #instructions_closer").click(function() { $("#instructions").effect("transfer", {to: $("#inner_container .help_toggler"), easing: "easeOutQuint", className: "ui-effects-transfer"}, 1000); J2CS_Builder.hide_instructions(); }); $('#welcome_top_close').click(function(){ $("#welcome").effect("transfer", {to: $("#inner_container .help_toggler"), easing: "easeOutQuint", className: "ui-effects-transfer"}, 1000); J2CS_Builder.hide_welcome(); }); $('#firefox-printing-info_top_close').click(function(){ $("#firefox-printing-info").effect("transfer", {to: $("#inner_container .help_toggler"), easing: "easeOutQuint", className: "ui-effects-transfer"}, 1000); J2CS_Builder.hide_firefox_printing_info(); }); $('#welcome input[name=show_dialog]').click(function(){ if($(this).is(':checked')){ $.cookie('welcome_shown',1, { expires: 365 }); }else{ $.cookie('welcome_shown',null); } }); $('#firefox-printing-info input[name=show_dialog]').click(function(){ if($(this).is(':checked')){ $.cookie('firefox-printing-info',1, { expires: 365 }); }else{ $.cookie('firefox-printing-info',null); } }); $(".help_toggler").live("click", function() { J2CS_Builder.show_instructions({}); }); $("#trial_options_dialog_save").live("click",function() { var container = $("#trial_options_dialog"); var header_type = container.find("input:radio[name=trial_options_header]:checked").val(); var format_type = container.find("input:radio[name=trial_options_format]:checked").val(); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_header_type", header_type); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_format_type", format_type); $("#trial_ul li.trialheader").removeClass("header_1").removeClass("header_2").removeClass("header_3").removeClass("header_4"); $("#trial_ul li.trialheader").addClass("header_"+header_type); $("#trial_ul li.trialheader img").attr("src", "exers/header"+header_type+"f.png"); J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_trial_options", data: {header: header_type, format: format_type}}); /* Sprawdzamy, czy nazwa klasówki nie przekracza limitu dla nagłówka */ var maxlength = (header_type == 4) ? 51 : 40; var tname = J2CS_Storage.get('trial_name'); if (tname.length > maxlength) { tname = tname.substr(0, maxlength); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_name", tname); J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_trial_name", value: tname}); $('.trial_name').html(tname + ' zmień nazwę'); } $("#trial_options_dialog").hide(); J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(1); J2CS_Scripter.setTrialIcon(); J2CS_Builder.hide_overlay(); }); $("#trial_options_dialog_top_close").live("click",function() { $("#trial_options_dialog").hide(); J2CS_Builder.hide_overlay(); }); $('.actions .info').live('mouseover',function(event){ var li = $(this).parent().parent().parent(); var ul = li.parent(); var id = li.attr('relid'); if(ul.attr('id') == 'trial_ul'){ var exercise = J2CS_Trial.getExercise(id); }else{ var exercise = J2CS_Library.getExercise(id); } var levels = ['łatwe','średnio trudne','trudne','bardzo trudne']; var difficulty = levels[exercise.difficulty - 1]; var html = ""; if(exercise.info.length > 0) { html += codi2html(exercise.info)+"
    "; } html += 'Temat: ' + exercise.subject + '
    '; html += 'Czas wykonywania: ' + exercise.time_needed + ' min
    '; html += 'Poziom trudności: ' + difficulty + '
    '; html += 'Liczba wariantów: ' + exercise.count + '
    '; html += 'Numer identyfikacyjny: ' + exercise.id + ''; if(exercise.additional == 1){ html += "
    Zadanie spoza podstawy programowej" } var info = $("
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if(excnt > 30) { J2CS_Scripter.showToManyExersAlert(); } else { J2CS_Scripter.showToManyA5PagesAlert(); } }); if(advLogger) this.init_advLogger(); setInterval(function(){ J2CS_Request.get({name: "get_trial_name"}); },1000 * 60 * 5) } this.init_advLogger = function() { /* watch(J2CS_Trial, function(a, b, c) { console.log('trial changed', a, b, c); }, 3); watch(J2CS_Library, function(a, b, c) { console.log('library changed', a, b, c); }, 3); watch(J2CS_Request, function(a, b, c) { console.log('request changed', a, b, c); }, 3); */ } this.init_step = function(index) { var inits = J2CS_Storage.get("access"); $(".main_header_accessname").html(inits.access_name); if(index == 1) { J2CS_Request.get({name: "get_gwo_trials"}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "get_saved_trials"}); J2CS_Storage.set("step2_library_opened",false); $('#inner_container #step1_tab1c ul[admin=admin]').sortable({ axis : 'y', update: function(event,ui){ var sort_order = {}; ui.item.parent().children().each(function(index,element){ sort_order[index] = {trial : $(element).attr('relid'), order : index}; 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$("#trial_delete_confirm").attr("relid", trialid); $("#trial_delete_dialog").show(); }); $("#trial_delete_confirm").click(function() { var id_ = $(this).attr("relid"); J2CS_Request.get({name: "saved_trial_delete", id: id_}); var ob = $("li[relid="+id_+"]"); ob.remove(); J2CS_Builder.hide_overlay(); $("#trial_delete_dialog").hide(); }); $("#trial_delete_deny").click(function() { J2CS_Builder.hide_overlay(); $("#trial_delete_dialog").hide(); }); $(".go_to_second_step.clickable").click(function() { J2CS_Trial.reset(); J2CS_Builder.start_blank_creator(); }); $("#step1_blankstart").click(function() { J2CS_Builder.start_blank_creator(); return false; }); $("#step1_tab1c .forward").click(function() { var id = parseInt($(this).parents("li").first().attr("relid")); var trial_name_ = $(this).parent().clone(); trial_name_.find("a").remove(); var trial_name = trial_name_.text(); J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_trial_name", value: trial_name}); J2CS_Storage.set("trial_name", trial_name); J2CS_Builder.start_gwo_trial(id); }); $("#step1_tab2c .step1_button.forward").click(function() { var id = parseInt($(this).parents("li").first().attr("relid")); J2CS_Builder.start_saved_trial(id); }); } if(index == 2) { // uruchomienie zadan $("#library_selectors .section_selector").val(J2CS_Storage.get("current_section")); $("#library_selectors .subject_selector").val(J2CS_Storage.get("current_subject")); $("#library_selectors .section_selector").change(function() { J2CS_Storage.set("current_section", $(this).val()); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_subjects", section: J2CS_Storage.get("current_section")}); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_library", index: J2CS_Storage.get("current_subject")}); }); $("#library_selectors .subject_selector").change(function() { J2CS_Storage.set("current_subject", $(this).val()); J2CS_Request.get({name: "load_library", index: J2CS_Storage.get("current_subject")}); }); $("#step2_swap_arrow_img").click(function() { var check = J2CS_Storage.get("step2_library_opened"); if(check == false) { $("#trial_ul li").each(function() { if($(this).hasClass("strip")) { var height = parseInt($(this).css('height'))/2; 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J2CS_Scripter.start_engine(); }); $("#go_back_to_editor").click(function() { J2CS_Builder.load_step(2); J2CS_Library.makeBuild(); J2CS_Trial.makeBuild(); J2CS_Scripter.start_engine(); }); if(!J2CS_Storage.get("group_count")) { J2CS_Request.get({name: "get_group_count"}); } $("#group_count").val(J2CS_Storage.get("group_count")); $("#group_count").change(function() { J2CS_Storage.set("group_count", $(this).val()); J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_group_count", value: $(this).val()}); J2CS_Scripter.start_preview(); }); if(!J2CS_Storage.get("show_difficulty")) { J2CS_Request.get({name: "get_show_difficulty"}); } $("#show_difficulty").attr('checked', J2CS_Storage.get("show_difficulty") == 1); $("#show_difficulty").change(function() { J2CS_Storage.set("show_difficulty", $(this).attr('checked') ? 1 : 0); if ($(this).attr('checked')) { $('#preview_ul .asterisk').text('*'); } else { $('#preview_ul .asterisk').text(''); } J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_show_difficulty", value: $(this).attr('checked') ? 1 : 0}); 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}, receive: function(event, ui) { } }).disableSelection(); $(".stripconstructor").draggable({ connectToSortable: '#trial_ul, #library_ul', helper: 'clone', revert: 'invalid', revertDuration: 1, distance: 3, appendTo: 'body', opacity: 0.6, zIndex: 200, containment: '#outer_container #inner_container', start: function(event, ui) { J2CS_Storage.set("draggable_start_trial_count", $("#trial_ul").children("li").length); $(".stripconstructor").draggable('disable'); ui.helper.css("list-style","none").css("z-index", "10000"); if($(this).hasClass("check")) { ui.helper.addClass("strip").addClass("check"); } else { ui.helper.addClass("strip").addClass("blank"); } ui.helper.addClass("strip-clone"); $("#outer_container #trial_ul li").removeClass("first_on_page"); ui.helper.find(".stripconstructortext").remove(); }, stop: function(event, ui) { if($("#trial_ul").children("li").length == J2CS_Storage.get("draggable_start_trial_count")) { $(".stripconstructor").draggable('enable'); } J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(6); } }).disableSelection(); $("#trial_ul li.strip").live("mouseenter", function() { $(this).find(".ui-resizable-s").css("background-position", "0 -18px"); }).live("mouseleave", function() { $(this).find(".ui-resizable-s").css("background-position", "0 -35px"); }); $("#outer_container #trial_ul li.strip.check").resizable({ handles: "s", grid: 10, minHeight: 30, maxHeight: 150, minWidth: 520, maxWidth: 520, start: function(event, ui) { }, resize: function(event, ui) { }, stop: function(event, ui) { var height = parseInt($(this).css("height")); if(height%10 != 0) { height = Math.round(height/10)*10; $(this).css("height",height+"px"); } J2CS_Trial.exercises_[$(this).attr("relid")].height = height/2; J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(7); } }); $("#outer_container #trial_ul li.strip.blank").resizable({ handles: "s", minHeight: 30, maxHeight: 150, minWidth: 520, maxWidth: 520, start: function(event, ui) { }, resize: function(event, ui) { J2CS_Trial.exercises_[$(this).attr("relid")].height = parseInt($(this).css("height"))/2; }, stop: function(event, ui) { J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(8); } }); $("#library_ul .stripconstructor .actions .move").click(function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var li = $(this).parent().parent(); var newid = []; var ss = 0; if(li.hasClass("check")) { newid = J2CS_Scripter.getNewIdForElement("a", "check"); ss = -2; } else if(li.hasClass("blank")) { newid = J2CS_Scripter.getNewIdForElement("b", "blank"); ss = -1; } J2CS_Trial.addExercise(newid[1], 0, {subject_id: ss, difficulty: 0, time_needed: 0, additional: 0, url: "strip", height: 40} ); var lin = li.clone(); lin.removeClass("ui-draggable").removeClass("stripconstructor"); lin.attr("relid",newid[1]); lin.find(".stripconstructortext").remove(); lin.appendTo($("#trial_ul")); J2CS_Trial.updateSortOrders(); J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(9); if(lin.hasClass("check")) { lin.resizable({ handles: "s", grid: 10, minHeight: 30, maxHeight: 150, minWidth: 520, maxWidth: 520, start: function(event, ui) { }, resize: function(event, ui) { J2CS_Trial.exercises_[$(this).attr("relid")].height = parseInt($(this).css("height"))/2; }, stop: function(event, ui) { J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(10); } }); } else { lin.resizable({ handles: "s", minHeight: 30, maxHeight: 150, minWidth: 520, maxWidth: 520, start: function(event, ui) { }, resize: function(event, ui) { J2CS_Trial.exercises_[$(this).attr("relid")].height = parseInt($(this).css("height"))/2; }, stop: function(event, ui) { J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(11); } }); } }); $("#trial_ul .strip .actions .move").live("click", function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var li = $(this).parent().parent(); var id = parseInt(li.attr("relid")); J2CS_Trial.removeExercise(id); li.remove(); J2CS_Trial.updateSortOrders(); J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(12); }); $(".exercise .actions .move").live("click",function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var ex_id = parseInt($(this).parent().parent().parent().attr("relid")); var container = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent(); var container_name = container.attr("id"); if(container_name == "library_ul") { var ex = J2CS_Library.getExercise(ex_id); J2CS_Trial.addExercise(ex_id, 0, {difficulty: ex.difficulty, subject_id: ex.subject_id, subject: ex.subject, time_needed: ex.time_needed, additional: ex.additional, url: ex.url, height: ex.height, count: ex.count, info: ex.info} ); $(this).parent().parent().parent().appendTo("#trial_ul"); J2CS_Trial.updateSortOrders(); } else { ex = J2CS_Trial.getExercise(ex_id); J2CS_Trial.removeExercise(ex_id); if(ex.subject_id == J2CS_Storage.get("current_subject")) { J2CS_Library.addExercise(ex_id, {difficulty: ex.difficulty, subject_id: ex.subject_id, subject: ex.subject, time_needed: ex.time_needed, additional: ex.additional, url: ex.url, height: ex.height, count: ex.count, info: ex.info} ); var f = $(this).parent().parent().parent(); var f_id = parseInt(f.attr("relid")); var f_df = parseInt(f.find(".exercise").find(".difficulty").find("div").attr("class").replace("type_","")); var ccc = 0; $("#library_ul").find("li").each(function() { if($(this).attr("relid") != undefined) { var l_id = parseInt($(this).attr("relid")); var l_df = parseInt($(this).find(".exercise").find(".difficulty").find("div").attr("class").replace("type_","")); if(ccc == 0 && f_df == l_df && f_id < l_id) { ccc = 1; $(this).before(f); } else if(ccc == 0 && f_df < l_df) { ccc = 1; $(this).before(f); } } }); if(ccc == 0) { f.appendTo("#library_ul"); } } else { $(this).parent().parent().parent().remove(); } J2CS_Trial.updateSortOrders(); } J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(13); }); J2CS_Scripter.updateStep2MenuItems(14); } this.updateStep2MenuItems = function(act) { var time = 0; var excnt = 0; var pgs = 1; var trial_type = J2CS_Storage.get("trial_format_type"); var compiler = compiler_type; var printable_area = 0; var before_exercise_margin = 0; var before_blankstrip_margin = 0; var toppage_offset = 0; if(compiler == "latex") { printable_area = (trial_type == 1 ? 262 : 115); before_exercise_margin = 6; before_blankstrip_margin = 3; toppage_offset = 0; } else if(compiler == "xelatex" && compiler_font == "11pt") { printable_area = (trial_type == 1 ? 262 : 115); before_exercise_margin = 3; before_blankstrip_margin = 1; toppage_offset = 5; } else { printable_area = (trial_type == 1 ? 262 : 115); before_exercise_margin = 0; before_blankstrip_margin = 1; toppage_offset = 5; } // jesli type=1, to zostaw to jak jest, a jesli 2, to wykonaj nowy kawalek kodu z wysokoscia 240, a header podwojnie var height_t = J2CS_Scripter.getHeaderHeight(J2CS_Storage.get("trial_header_type")); $("#outer_container #trial_ul li").removeClass("first_on_page"); //$.post('/catchNotice.php', {action:"scripter",exercises:J2CS_Trial.exercises_, orders:J2CS_Trial.sort_orders_}); if(advLogger) advLogs.push({action:"scripter.update",act:act,exercises:J2CS_Library.exercises_, orders:J2CS_Library.sort_orders_,trialExers:J2CS_Trial.exercises_,trialOrders:J2CS_Trial.sort_orders_}); if(advLogger) { $.post('/catchNotice.php', {data:JSON.stringify(advLogs)}); advLogs = []; } for(s in J2CS_Trial.sort_orders_) { var i = J2CS_Trial.sort_orders_[s]; var ex = J2CS_Trial.exercises_[i]; if(ex == undefined) continue; time += (ex.time_needed ? ex.time_needed : 0); if(ex.subject_id > 0) { excnt += 1; } height_t += ex.height; if(ex.subject_id > 0) { height_t += before_exercise_margin; } else { height_t += before_blankstrip_margin; } var condition = printable_area; if(height_t > condition) { $("#outer_container #trial_ul li[relid="+ex.id+"]").addClass("first_on_page"); pgs += 1; height_t = toppage_offset + ex.height + before_exercise_margin; } if(pgs > 2 && trial_type == 2) { $("#inner_container .go_to_third_step").removeClass('clickable'); $("#inner_container #step2_menu_accept").removeClass('clickable'); $("#inner_container #step2_menu_accept").addClass('alert'); this.showToManyA5PagesAlert(); } else if(trial_type == 2){ $("#inner_container .go_to_third_step").addClass('clickable'); $("#inner_container #step2_menu_accept").addClass('clickable'); $("#inner_container #step2_menu_accept").removeClass('alert'); } } if(!J2CS_Storage.get("exers_exceeded") && excnt > 30) { $("#inner_container .go_to_third_step").removeClass('clickable'); $("#inner_container #step2_menu_accept").removeClass('clickable'); $("#inner_container #step2_menu_accept").addClass('alert'); J2CS_Scripter.showToManyExersAlert(); J2CS_Storage.set("exers_exceeded",true); } else if(excnt <= 30 && !(trial_type==2 && pgs > 2)) { $("#inner_container .go_to_third_step").addClass('clickable'); $("#inner_container #step2_menu_accept").addClass('clickable'); $("#inner_container #step2_menu_accept").removeClass('alert'); J2CS_Storage.set("exers_exceeded",false); } $("#step2_menu_excnt div").html(excnt); $("#step2_menu_clock div").html(time); $("#step2_menu_pgcnt div").html(pgs); } this.showToManyExersAlert = function(){ $('#exers_alert').dialog({ autoOpen : true, resizable : false, draggable : false, width: 500, modal : true }); } this.showToManyA5PagesAlert = function(){ $('#pages_alert').dialog({ autoOpen : true, resizable : false, draggable : false, width: 500, modal : true }); } this.getHeaderHeight = function(type) { if(!type) type = 1; if(type == 1 || type == 4) return 25; if(type == 2 || type == 3) return 13; } this.start_preview = function() { var trial_type = J2CS_Storage.get("trial_format_type"); // jesli type=1 to tak jak jest, a jesli 2: var username = J2CS_Storage.get("user_name"); var header_type = J2CS_Storage.get("trial_header_type"); if(!header_type) header_type = 1; var format_type = J2CS_Storage.get("trial_format_type"); if(format_type == 1) { $("#step3_format_displayer .step3_left_content").html("klasówka jednostronna"); $("#step3_format_displayer img").attr("src", "css/img/layout/a4preview.png"); } else { $("#step3_format_displayer .step3_left_content").html("klasówka dwustronna"); $("#step3_format_displayer img").attr("src", "css/img/layout/a5preview.png"); } var compiler = compiler_type; var printable_area = 0; var before_exercise_margin = 0; var before_blankstrip_margin = 0; var toppage_offset = 0; if(compiler == "latex") { printable_area = (trial_type == 1 ? 262 : 115); before_exercise_margin = 6; before_blankstrip_margin = 3; toppage_offset = 0; } else if(compiler == "xelatex" && compiler_font == "11pt") { printable_area = (trial_type == 1 ? 262 : 115); before_exercise_margin = 3; before_blankstrip_margin = 1; toppage_offset = 5; } else { printable_area = (trial_type == 1 ? 262 : 115); before_exercise_margin = 0; before_blankstrip_margin = 1; toppage_offset = 5; } var container = $("#preview_ul"); container.children().remove(); var container_temp = $(""); container_temp.children().remove(); var header_li = $("
  • "); var text = ''+ '
    '+ '
    gr. A
    '+ '
    str. 1/2
    ' ; header_li.addClass("trialheader").addClass("header_"+header_type).html(text); var condition = printable_area; var group_count = J2CS_Storage.get("group_count"); var show_difficulty = J2CS_Storage.get("show_difficulty") == 1; var trial_clones = J2CS_Storage.get("trial_clones"); var sites_max = 1; for(var GROUP=0; GROUP"+J2CS_Scripter.getGroupName(GROUP)+""); } container.append(header_clone); container_temp.append(header_clone.clone()); var height_t = J2CS_Scripter.getHeaderHeight(J2CS_Storage.get("trial_header_type")); var x = 0; for(s in J2CS_Trial.sort_orders_) { var i = J2CS_Trial.sort_orders_[s]; var ex = J2CS_Trial.exercises_[i]; height_t += ex.height; if(ex.subject_id > 0) { height_t += before_exercise_margin; } else { height_t += before_blankstrip_margin; } if(trial_type == 1){ if(height_t > condition) { var li = $("
  • "); li.addClass("preview_page_divider"); var height_loose = parseInt((condition - (height_t - ex.height))*3.3); height_loose = height_loose < 0 ? 0 : height_loose; li.css("margin-top", height_loose+"px"); current_site += 1; if(GROUP==0) sites_max += 1; li.html(''); li.append('
    gr. '+J2CS_Scripter.getGroupName(GROUP)+'
    str. '+current_site+'/2
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  • "); li.addClass("preview_page1_divider"); li.html(''); var height_loose = parseInt((condition - (height_t - ex.height))*3.3); height_loose = height_loose < 0 ? 0 : height_loose; li.css("margin-top", height_loose+"px"); current_site += 1; if(GROUP==0) sites_max += 1; container.append(li); height_t = toppage_offset+ex.height; if(ex.subject_id > 0) { height_t += before_exercise_margin; } else { height_t += before_blankstrip_margin; } $('li',container_temp).each(function(){ container.append(this); }); container.append(li.clone().attr('class','preview_page_divider').css("margin-top", height_loose+"px").append('
    gr. '+J2CS_Scripter.getGroupName(GROUP)+'
    str. '+current_site+'/2
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  • "); if(ex.url == "strip") { li.attr("relid", i); if(ex.subject_id == -1) { li.addClass("strip").addClass("blank"); } else { li.addClass("strip").addClass("check"); } li.css("height", (ex.height*2)+"px"); } else { li.attr("relid", i); var url = ""; if(trial_clones[ex.id][GROUP] == undefined) { url = trial_clones[ex.id][0]; } else { url = trial_clones[ex.id][GROUP]; } var gwiazdka = ""; if(ex.difficulty == 4) { gwiazdka = '' + (show_difficulty ? '*' : '') + ''; } li.html('
    '); } container.append(li.clone()); container_temp.append(li.clone()); } if(trial_type == 2){ if(current_site == 2){ var li = $("
  • "); li.addClass("preview_page2_divider"); var height_loose = parseInt((condition - height_t)*3.3); height_loose = height_loose < 0 ? 0 : height_loose; li.css("margin-top", height_loose+"px"); li.html(''); li.append('
    gr. '+J2CS_Scripter.getGroupName(GROUP)+'
    str. '+current_site+'/2
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  • "); li.addClass("preview_page1_divider"); li.html(''); var height_loose = parseInt((condition - height_t)*3.3); height_loose = height_loose < 0 ? 0 : height_loose; li.css("margin-top", height_loose+"px"); container.append(li); $('li',container_temp).each(function(){ container.append(this); }); } } var li = $("
  • "); if(trial_type == 1 && current_site > 1 && current_site%2 == 1){ if(GROUP < group_count-1) { li.addClass("preview_group_divider"); } else { li.addClass("preview_page_ender"); } }else{ if(GROUP < group_count-1) { li.addClass("preview_group_divider"); } else { li.addClass("preview_page_ender"); } } var height_loose = parseInt((condition - height_t)*3.3); height_loose = height_loose < 0 ? 0 : height_loose; li.css("margin-top", height_loose+"px"); li.html(''); container.append(li); J2CS_Storage.set('page_count',current_site); J2CS_Scripter.updatePrintMethod(); } container.find(".preview_sites_max").html(sites_max); if(sites_max == 1) { container.find(".trial_site").css("display","none"); container.find(".trial_group").css("right", "30px"); } if(group_count == 1) { container.find(".trial_group").css("display","none"); } else { container.find(".trial_group").css("display", "block"); } } this.getNewIdForElement = function(id,type) { var foo = new Date; // Generic JS date object var unixtime_ms = foo.getTime(); // Returns milliseconds since the epoch var unixtime = parseInt(unixtime_ms / 10000000); var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000); key = unixtime+""+random; return (new Array(id+"_"+key,key)); } this.getGroupName = function(id) { if(id == 0) return "A"; if(id == 1) return "B"; if(id == 2) return "C"; if(id == 3) return "D"; if(id == 4) return "E"; if(id == 5) return "F"; if(id == 6) return "G"; if(id == 7) return "H"; if(id == 8) return "I"; if(id == 9) return "J"; } this.showChangedTrialNotification = function(id){ $('#trial_change_notification').dialog({ autoOpen: true, resizable: false, draggable: false, modal: true, width: 750, close: function(){ J2CS_Request.get({name: "set_notification_read",trial: id}); } }); } } function codi2html(text) { var format_search = [ /\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/ig, /\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/ig, /\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/ig, '[br]', '[_]' ]; // note: NO comma after the last entry // The matching array of strings to replace matches with var format_replace = [ '$1', '$1', '$1', '
    ', ' ' ]; // Perform the actual conversion for (var i =0;i